Wholesale Settlements

With a focus on the challenges presented by an unpredictable market, WattsWorth offers wholesale settlement services and invoice-monitoring strategies to assist market participants with the verification of their IESO invoices.

Daily interface with IESO and collection of:

  • Preliminary settlement statements

  • Final settlement statements

  • Meter and allocation data at registered wholesale meters

  • Public market information

  • Invoices

  • IESO settlement reconciliation, including:

    • Verification of volume deliveries between IESO and Market Participant

    • Verification of electricity and operating reserve prices charged by the IESO

    • Recalculation of all IESO settlement charges in accordance with documented market rules

  • Initiation, management and status reports of disagreements with IESO

  • Market participant notification of payment amounts to IESO

  • Peak load management and notification to mitigate Global Adjustment

Renewables Settlement & Consulting

WattsWorth’s in-depth knowledge of the Ontario market provides customers with a wide range of service offerings. Their flexible solutions include:

  • Renewable generation settlement services

  • Provision of ongoing market monitoring

  • Delivery of regular customer education sessions

  • Creating one time customized reports based on specific customer needs

WattsWorth currently assists Ontario wind generators with managing their revenues by performing daily data retrieval, web-posting of reports and verification of all IESO data. In addition, generators can analyze their production profiles to fully understand their operations including peak output and overall consumption.

For customers that have internal generation capabilities or are contemplating a new installation project, WattsWorth can provide analysis to help maximize the assets and support business decisions. They will start by assisting your organization with the initial IESO registration.

If you require assistance in understanding the complexities of the Ontario energy market and the impacts on your generation facility WattsWorth can help!


Public Sector Energy Strategy


WattsWorth Energy Portal